Thursday, May 19, 2011

birthday stuff.

Tuesday, May 17th. One of my favorite days of the year. Why? Cuz I turned 21! It was a pretty awesome day. Evan took off of work, and he took me to a local nursery, and I got to pick out some beautiful flowers! I brought them home and hung them up right on our porch. They look wonderful!

 Then the wonderful hubs made this cake for me. His first time making a cake, I felt so special.
We went out for a romantic dinner, and I ordered my first cocktail :) It was such a perfect day.

<3 Aub

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lovely Surprises

So, I think I told you that my grandparents are moving in with my parents. Well, that is officially happening next week. My grandmother is kind of a hoarder, not in the so-awful-you-can't-even-walk-on-the-floor kind of way. Just that every nook and cranny in the closets and spare bedrooms are full of stuff that they don't use. She just doesn't want to throw things away that aren't completely useless. Anyway, my mom and dad have been packing up their house little by little and bringing it load by load to their house. My grandmother has been very good about dispersing her things among all her grandchildren. I have gotten the pick of the litter because it's my parents that are packing all the stuff. All this to say... I just acquired the most beautiful set of flatware. It's amazing. And perfectly silver. And now I'll show you some pictures. :)

I can't believe this price tag! I can't find a year anywhere on it, but I'm going to do some research...

Happy Tuesday to you.
<3 Aub

Friday, May 6, 2011

Spring Is In The Air. Finally.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I took a walk, planted some flowers, and Evan and I took a bike ride when he got home. I was going to mow the lawn, buuuuut the mower was out of gas, and we haven't gotten any more for the season, so i didn't. But I will get there eventually. Even though we live in a trailer, we have a big lawn. There a big square out back, and a big square out front as well. It seriously takes me like two hours to mow it. I took some pictures of the beautiful tulips that are blossoming right under my kitchen windows. :)

 And here's our awesome hammock that we got for Christmas, and were just able to put up, and enjoy!

Happy Friday <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Birthday Month!

I love, love, love May.
Why, you ask?
#1. This wonderful month contains my birthday. (Which happens to be a pretty important one this year, 21!)
#2. Spring really starts to spring! The tulips under my kitchen window make me giddy.
#3. Spring lines start appearing on mannequins, which are a welcome break to layered winter clothes.
#4. M.A.Y. are my niece's initials.

It's just a wonderful month.

What should I ask for for my birthday? I can't think of anything and Evan keeps hounding me!
<3 Aub

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunny Saturday

Yesterday was a breath of fresh air. It was sunny and cool, like a perfect spring day. Evan and I woke up late, went out for breakfast, came home and took our dog for a walk. Then we went for a bike ride because I was dying to try out my new cycling shorts. We rode around for awhile. It was so nice just to be outside, soaking up the golden rays. So, a few weeks ago Evan bought a Mini-14 Ruger. A rifle. He took it to a shooting range a couple times, and finally yesterday I got up the courage to go with him and shoot it. I will just leave you with a few pictures from yesterday.

Happy Sunday:)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The sunny (finally) weather has me daydreaming about romantic summer picnics. Packing a basket, feeding each other strawberries, and hanging with Evan under a blaring sun sounds like the most wonderful thing.

Photo #1Photo #2

What are you dreaming of these spring days?

Happy Hump Day :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rain & Sun

The weather around here has been super un-predictable. We had snow early in April, and since then it has been nonstop rain! Yesterday, we had a breakthrough of some sun and Evan and I biked ten miles! I was in pain during the biking, but after I felt so good! I was glad that I had planned dinner ahead, or else I would definitely not have had enough energy to figure out a meal. This morning was also pretty nice, and I had some errands to run so I rode my bike downtown instead of driving. It's a nice way to conserve, and it's good for me!
This is my bike. My awesome bike. That Evan bought for me. And I love it.

This little robin decided to camp out in our front yard, so I took some pictures of him.

Have a wonderful Tuesday<3

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fabulous Friday :)

 I love this vanity. The rounded vanity is wonderful! And those mirrors!

I could soak for hours in that tub!

Well it's finally Friday! After a wholeeeee day of waitressing I will finally be able to relax this weekend with Ev. I think we'll just be getting ready for Easter. We're having a huge meal at Evan's parents house. I hope someday I can be as good a hostess! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

<3 Aub

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's That Time Again...

Awkward & Awesome Thursday!! :)

I am swooning over this vintage suit c/o Modcloth.
Now on to the Awkward and Awesomes of the week!

- Having to go to my brother in law's wedding in a few weeks. Evan is in the wedding, and I'm not. So I'll feel super awkward sitting in the front with my in-laws.
- Training our dog. He's two years old, and misbehaves alot.
- When I start Nursing school in the Fall, I'll be in classes with people who were freshmen in high school when I was a senior.
- The mediocre temperatures and massive amounts of rain in the middle of April.
- How much more coffee I've been drinking since marrying Evan. (I'm not blaming him... :))
- How bland dinner was last night. The meatballs were so boring. Ugh.
- How much I hate waitressing. But do it anyways.

- The sitcom 'Friends.' It's awesome. And funny. And we watch it every night.
- Apple Puff Pastry. I made some last night to make up for the crappy dinner. Yum-O.
- The Olive Garden. The nearest one to where we live is like an hour away, which stinks, but it makes it more awesome when we get to eat there.
- We're going to Tennessee soon, and I get to see some family I haven't seen in 3 years!
- Will Ferrell on 'The Office.' DeAngelo Vickers. It's perfect.
- Marriage. It's pretty awesome if I may say so myself. <3

Have a Wonderful Thursday friends.
<3 Aub

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When Bad Things Happen

When I was twelve years old at summer camp, I got a phone call from my dad who told me that my cousin Nikki had passed away. I was a little bit in shock, and I left camp early for the services which were being held in my hometown. Nikki grew up in my hometown with her family, but they all kind of dispersed over the years. Her two sisters moved to Virginia and Florida, and Nikki moved to Mississippi. Her parents moved to Florida too. But everybody came back home for the services. It was so different to me being around all this family I hardly ever saw. I didn't get to know Nikki very well and it is something I have always been sad about. Everyone that knew her said that her energy and laugh and beautiful personality were contagious.
I have learned that life is short and precious and that we should do whatever we can to live it up while we're here. I have decided to write and complete (hopefully) a 101 in 1001. I got the idea here. I will be working on it for awhile, but I'll post as soon as I figure out the 101 things!

Happy Hump Day.
<3 Aub

Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Weekend Getaway

Oh my. Evan and I had a wonderful weekend! We left Saturday afternoon, and checked into our inn around three o'clock. We weren't there very long, before we headed out again to head for the city of Rochester. We spend some time at Gander Mountain, and I found a super cute summer dress at Goodwill, and then we ate a delicious dinner at Bugaboo Creek. So. good. I got BBQ Ribs and Chicken. We were both uncomfortably full after dinner! It was so worth it though. Then we got some coffee, and headed to a local college for a Wind Ensemble concert. The music was wonderful, and then we headed back to the inn for some, well, you know. :) We got up, had a great breakfast, did some more shopping in the city and then headed back home. It was just a great weekend, and great to spend some alone time with Evan.

 Here's Mr. Handsome himself.
 At Bugaboo Creek. :)

 Yayy we made it!
 Our room, 'The Garbutt'
 So pensive...
 We took a walk and spotted these guys...
 The weather was kinda crappy.
 The inn we stayed at!
 Spent a good two hours here...
 He's trying to figure out something he bought.
 That's me in the mirror. :))

Happy Monday
<3 Aub

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I'm off for a fabulous weekend with the hubs, we're jet setting (not really) to a nearby city to spend some alone time... :) I am super excited to spend some quality time with Evan without having to worry about taking the dog out every two hours, or having to cook three square a day, or having to get up tomorrow morning! I promise there will be pictures, probably way more than you want to look at, tomorrow. Have a wonderful Saturday.
<3 Aub

And something that made me laugh so hard that my face hurt.
Could NOT stop laughing.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday

So, Sunday afternoon around here today looks like this...
1. Grilled cheese for lunch.
2. Sipping on delicious coffee Evan made.

3. Watching him play Xbox.

4. Getting ready for a visit from my wonderful friend LeeAnn.

I haven't seen her since December, and I'm super excited to spend some time with her. We went to college together for one year, and she really came through for me at a time when I felt like I had nobody. She's that awesome.

Have a lovely rest of the weekend!
<3 Aub